Don't Fear the Report Button

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  • Cameramonkey
    Staff member
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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    You may have noticed a feature at the bottom of each post called “Report”. What is it? It’s a way to flag a post and bring it to the attention to staff. It’s a far underutilized tool. Because of this the staff just wanted to take a minute to explain what it is and when/how to use it.

    First, the report feature is anonymous to non staff members. If you are reporting someone, they will not see that it was reported or who reported it. Only staff can see that. And that info remains confidential.

    When you click the button, a dialog box comes up for you to explain why you are reporting the post to staff. When we get the report we can take appropriate action.

    Most importantly, a report is not automatically a negative event. Quite the contrary! It’s incredibly helpful to us.

    Most people don’t realize that you can even self-report a post of your own! So when you mess up and either need a thread deleted, moved, etc. simply report your post and tell us what's you need us to do to help you. We can then take action on your behalf. All with no penalties. Think of it like raising your hand; you're just asking for help.

    Mods cant be everywhere. Reporting posts help us keep the site running smoothly. Thanks to all that are already using the feature. You are a huge help. :thumbsup:


    Top Hand
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    May 26, 2018
    North Central
    Jokingly someone used the snitch word today, so that is on some folks mind to a degree. This is like an online bug out location for enthusiasts and those that try to circumvent the protocols are not part of that. They are asking everyone to take a watch to help them do their jobs. Itis not for us to decide if one is or is not a runner, that is for mods, but a quick report saying might want t look at this just makes the site stronger and keeps this from becoming armslist…


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    Mar 22, 2011
    Jokingly someone used the snitch word today, so that is on some folks mind to a degree. This is like an online bug out location for enthusiasts and those that try to circumvent the protocols are not part of that. They are asking everyone to take a watch to help them do their jobs. Itis not for us to decide if one is or is not a runner, that is for mods, but a quick report saying might want t look at this just makes the site stronger and keeps this from becoming armslist…
    Before I was invited to be a mod I think I used the report button maybe 2-3 times. Those were only for obvious scammers that I’d see. I never “snitched” on anyone or reported issues with posts, etc.

    Having been on the other side of the curtain for a few days now, I can tell you that the report button is very helpful in “keeping house”. Even if you’re the kind of person that doesn’t like to tattle tale, at least use it when you see something that needs to be fixed.


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    Apr 8, 2012
    Good to bring this to our attention. I have noticed the "Report" bell but have never rung it. I have contacted a mod once or twice over a thread/member that was getting out of hand just so they could check it out and be aware. In those instances, the mod replied that they were already monitoring it.
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