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    Jun 2, 2011
    Here is commentary from another John

    The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto Treasure hid in a field,* the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one Pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

    Much as in the other place, the Mustard seed and the Leaven have but some little difference from each other, so here also these two parables, that of the Treasure and that of the Pearl. This being of course signified by both, that we ought to value the Gospel above all things. And the former indeed, of the leaven and of the mustard seed, was spoken with a view to the power of the Gospel, and to its surely prevailing over the world; but these declare its value, and great price. For as it extends itself like mustard seed, and prevails like leaven, so it is precious like a pearl, and affords full abundance like a treasure. We are then to learn not this only, that we ought to strip ourselves of every thing else, and cling to the Gospel, but also that we are to do so with joy; and when a man is dispossessing himself of his goods, he is to know that the transaction is gain, and not loss.

    Seest thou how both the Gospel is hid in the world, and the good things in the Gospel?

    Except thou sell all, thou buyest not; except thou have such a soul, anxious and enquiring, thou findest not. Two things therefore are requisite, abstinence from worldly matters, and watchfulness. For He saith, One seeking goodly pearls, who when he had found one of great price, sold all and bought it. For the Truth is one, and not in many divisions.

    And much as he that hath the pearl knows indeed himself that he is rich, but others know not, many times, that he is holding it in his hand; (for there is no corporeal bulk;) just so also with the Gospel, they that have hold of it know that they are rich, but the unbelievers, not knowing of this treasure, are in ignorance also of our wealth.

    [3.] After this, that we may not be confident in the Gospel merely preached, nor think that faith only suffices us for salvation, He utters also another, an awful parable. Which then is this? That of the Net.

    For the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net,* that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind; which when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
    And wherein doth this differ from the parable of the Tares? For there too the one are saved, the other perish; but there, for choosing of wicked doctrines; and those before this again, for not giving heed to His sayings, but these for wickedness of life; who are the most wretched of all, having attained to His knowledge, and being caught, but not even so capable of being saved.

    Yet surely He saith elsewhere, that the Shepherd Himself separates them, but here He saith the Angels do this; and so with respect to the tares. How then is it?

    At one time He discourses to them in a way more suited to their dulness, at another time in a higher strain.

    And this parable He interprets without so much as being asked, but of His own motion He explained it by one part of it, and increased their awe. For lest, on being told, They cast the bad away, thou shouldest suppose that ruin to be without danger; by His interpretation He signified the punishment,* saying, They will cast them into the furnace. And He declared the gnashing of teeth, and the anguish, that it is unspeakable.

    Seest thou how many are the ways of destruction? By the rock, by the thorns, by the wayside, by the tares, by the net. Not without reason therefore did He say, Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go away by it.

    [4.] Having then uttered all this, and concluded His discourse in a tone to cause fear, and signified that these are the majority of cases, (for He dwelt more on them,) He saith,
    Have ye understood all these things? They say unto Him, Yea,* Lord.

    Then because they understood, He again praises them, saying,

    Therefore every Scribe,* which is instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven, is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.

    Wherefore elsewhere also He saith, I will send you wise men and scribes. Seest thou how so far from excluding the Old Testament, He even commends it, and speaks publicly in favour of it, calling it a treasure?

    So that as many as are ignorant of the divine Scriptures cannot be householders; such as neither have of themselves, nor receive of others, but neglect their own case, perishing with famine. And not these only, but the heretics too, are excluded from this blessing. For they bring not forth things new and old. For they have not the old things, wherefore neither have they the new; even as they who have not the new, neither have they the old, but are deprived of both. For these are bound up and interwoven one with another.

    Let us then hear, as many of us as neglect the reading of the Scriptures, to what harm we are subjecting ourselves, to what poverty. For when are we to apply ourselves to the real practice of virtue, who do not so much as know the very laws according to which our practice should be guided?

    But while the rich, those who are mad about wealth, are constantly shaking out their garments, that they may not become moth-eaten; dost thou, seeing forgetfulness worse than any moth wasting thy soul, neglect conversing with books? dost thou not thrust away from thee the pest, adorn thy soul, look continually upon the image of virtue, and acquaint thyself with her members and her head? For she too hath a head and members more seemly than any graceful and beautiful body.

    John Chrysostom. (1843–1844). The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Parts 1 & 2. (B. Prevost, Trans.) (Vol. 2, pp. 641–644). Oxford; London: John Henry Parker; J. G. F. and J. Rivington.

    Matthew 13:44
    The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
    “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."

    I looked up a commentary about this from John Gill here
    and it makes more sense now, though I need to think about this some more.
    For those who don't want to go to the link, John Gill is saying that the field represents the scriptures and the treasure is the Gospel. When the person understood the Gospel he hid it within himself, internalized it, knew the importance of it and held it dear to himself.
    And it seems like the last part is saying that this person doesn't let their possessions keep him from following God through the scriptures.
    I've been wondering about this scripture for a while and I thought I would share what I found about it and hear any of your thoughts on it.


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    Jun 2, 2011
    Here is some from a guy named Iraneus (I'll use the Latin spelling so you can find more by him instead of his proper Greek spelling :))

    1. If any one, therefore, reads the Scriptures with attention, he will find in them an account of Christ, and a foreshadowing of the new calling (vocationis). For Christ is the treasure which was hid in the field,8 that is, in this world (for “the field is the world”9); but the treasure hid in the Scriptures is Christ, since He was pointed out by means of types and parables. Hence His human nature could not10 be understood, prior to the consummation of those things which had been predicted, that is, the advent of Christ. And therefore it was said to Daniel the prophet: “Shut up the words, and seal the book even to the time of consummation, until many learn, and knowledge be completed. For at that time, when the dispersion shall be accomplished, they shall know all these things.”11 But Jeremiah also says, “In the last days they shall understand these things.”12 For every prophecy, before its fulfilment, is to men [full of] enigmas and ambiguities. But when the time has arrived, and the prediction has come to pass, then the prophecies have a clear and certain exposition. And for this reason, indeed, when at this present time the law is read to the Jews, it is like a fable; for they do not possess the explanation of all things pertaining to the advent of the Son of God, which took place in human nature; but when it is read by the Christians, it is a treasure, hid indeed in a field, but brought to light by the cross of Christ, and explained, both enriching the understanding of men, and showing forth the wisdom of God and declaring His dispensations with regard to man, and forming the kingdom of Christ beforehand, and preaching by anticipation the inheritance of the holy Jerusalem, and proclaiming beforehand that the man who loves God shall arrive at such excellency as even to see God, and hear His word, and from the hearing of His discourse be glorified to such an extent, that others cannot behold the glory of his countenance, as was said by Daniel: “Those who do understand, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and many of the righteous1 as the stars for ever and ever.”2 Thus, then, I have shown it to be,3 if any one read the Scriptures. For thus it was that the Lord discoursed with the disciples after His resurrection from the dead, proving to them from the Scriptures themselves “that Christ must suffer, and enter into His glory, and that remission of sins should be preached in His name throughout all the world.”4 And the disciple will be perfected, and [rendered] like the householder, “who bringeth forth from his treasure things new and old.”52. Wherefore it is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church,—those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the certain gift of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, [looking upon them] either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth. And the heretics, indeed, who bring strange fire to the altar of God—namely, strange doctrines—shall be burned up by the fire from heaven, as were Nadab and Abiud.6 But such as rise up in opposition to the truth, and exhort others against the Church of God, [shall] remain among those in hell (apud inferos), being swallowed up by an earthquake, even as those who were with Chore, Dathan, and Abiron.7 But those who cleave asunder, and separate the unity of the Church, [shall] receive from God the same punishment as Jeroboam did.8

    Irenaeus of Lyons. (1885). Irenæus against Heresies. In A. Roberts, J. Donaldson, & A. C. Coxe (Eds.), The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus (Vol. 1, pp. 496–497). Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Company.


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    Jun 2, 2011
    Oh and John (Chrysostom) wrote in the 300s, the 4th century.

    Iraneus wrote in the 100s, the 2nd century. Iraneus was from Polycarp's hometown and probably knew him. Polycarp hung out with John the Apostle, Evangelist and author of the Gospel. The quote from him even fits the time of year!!! Advent/Nativity :)

    For the Orthodox, that carries a lot of weight.

    If I know them, then I can read John Gill in the light of the Tradition of the Church and know when he is speaking with the mind of the Church even if he doesn't give any credit :)


    at the ark
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    Apr 21, 2010
    Anyone here physically felt the presence of the spirit?
    What was your perception?

    Reason for asking; three times over the course of about 23-24 years concerning the same subject, yes, I have.
    And it happened again at church Christmas eve.
    And it gave me goose bumps. That's a simplification of it but when you and the person you're speaking with both get wide eyed and goose bumps at the same time feeling the spirit move, why then it kind of stands out in the subsequent description.
    Any way, thought I'd ask because after all, this is a Christianity discussion thread and perhaps someone would be interested.
    I know I would. After all this time learning about physical perception is kind of a "wow". We figured out what it was when it happened in the early 90's but now things are perhaps (I guess maybe) speeding up somehow.


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    Mar 30, 2011
    Anyone here physically felt the presence of the spirit?
    What was your perception?

    Yes, but for me, there have been different... modalities (that seems like too-clinical of a term, but its the best I can do).

    In my teens, it was more of a quickening, like an energy boost. I can't remember if I got goose bumps, but it was that energized feeling of something bigger than myself happening, not just to me, but a few hundred other worshipers.

    I've gotten that same, or similar feeling, at different times over the years, too, sometimes without much understanding of why.

    Other times, it has been more like serenity accompanied by clarity. A calmness, rather than an energization. (Ok, that last thing isn't a word at all.)

    A commonality is a feeling of understanding and acceptance. A physical feeling of it, not just an emotional one.


    at the ark
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    Apr 21, 2010
    At 17, drawn to the alter, felt the overpowering... what was it?
    I don't know how to describe the feelings. Nothing physical that I recall, except tears.

    And the sometimes sense of calmness accompanied by a clarity, ditto.


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    May 7, 2018
    Hendricks County
    I don’t believe anyone can tell someone else what to expect when the Holy Spirit falls upon them, comes into them or however else you wish to call it. You pretty much know it when it happens and words often will not give the feeling any justice.

    I have felt the presence of he Holy Spirit in me and around me countless times. I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in others countless times.

    The way one may express it verbally can be totally different.

    Personally, I do not go looking for "feelings" and most often, it is just "knowing, understanding and a sense of completeness"....among a thousand other adjectives, nouns and even verbs when "convicted".

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    Anyone here physically felt the presence of the spirit?
    What was your perception?


    First time fear...Second time warmth, I finally understood the phrase "washed in the blood"....Third time wonder....

    Description of the third time while it was fresh in my head....

    [h=2]My Daughter...A Special Night...God's Love and the Love of a Community......[/h]
    Many of you have met my daughter and many of you know she's Autistic..."Different but not less" as Temple Grandin says....

    Last night I saw something take place that changed her life and mine and my wife's life forever....I am still reeling from it....And because many of you know her and us I wanted to share.....

    My wife had to go to the school on Tuesday for something or another....While she was there one of the twin daughters of a girl I went to school with approached my wife and said, "Did Eva tell you?"


    "She's on the Court for Snow Queen at the Dance Friday...."



    We asked our daughter and she shrugged her shoulders as if that's no big deal and the wife took her out to buy a new dress for the occasion....

    Friday got here and we dropped her off at the dance and the Principal gave us permission to come back for the Ceremony....(We asked Eva what she thought it was going to be like and she shrugged her shoulders and said (nearly giving me a stroke), "Like being in a wedding I suppose??"

    "Not quite.."

    And I explained it as best as I could...

    We went in for the Crowning...When her name was mentioned the whole place erupted in cheers...Deafening...Her name being chanted as USA is at a Trump rally or when Obama announced Osama Bin Laden had been killed..."EVA!!!! EVA!!!! EVA!!!!"

    The moment the King was announced, and he was the young man that had escorted my daughter, a hush fell over everyone....And then they announced her name as the Snow Queen....

    Cheers erupted...Her name being chanted...Louder, louder,...My wife is in tears...Students are in tears...Teachers are in tears...Students high fiving each other, hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces....I have to step away and as I do students are nodding their heads to me...I try to thank them for this and they cut me off..."Sir, she deserved it...She is our Queen...She shows us love, everyone of us every day..."

    I gather myself and come back in as the dance between the King and Queen takes place...There is circle of faculty and students surrounding her, not a dry eye in the place but mine..(stoic hillbilly overwhelmed, tears will come later when alone...)

    As the dance ends she spots me outside the circle of a hundred plus kids and something amazing happened...There was a light surrounding her, I looked up but it wasn't on her it was coming out of her...I know that sounds crazy but I know what I saw...She began to walk towards me and the crowd suddenly went silent and began to part to allow her through...Looking at her with love and reverence....

    For that moment the Autism was gone...Seven seconds tops but while that light was there it wasn't...Very hard to explain but as real as me sitting here...Everything was in slow motion....She put her arms around me and there was no jerking her eyes around at the sights and sounds...That look of pain she gets when the stimuli is too much...It was not there..I have seen it for 14 years and know it like the back of my hand and it was nowhere to be seen...

    In a voice so sweet she said "I love you Daddy...."

    And then pulled away and it was gone as quick as it came...The nervousness...The eyes darting from sound to light then back again...Back to normal....But I will thank God each and every night for that seven or so seconds He showed me how she will be when we get to Kingdom..."No pain on that Bright Shore" as the old song says.......

    This morning before I left for the shop (I had not mentioned the "light" to anyone...Not even my wife) my wife was sitting on the stairs as I was smoking a cigarette and said, "Can I ask you something Geary?"

    "Yes Ma'am..."

    "I don't want you to think I am crazy...."

    "I won't..."

    "When Eva was walking towards you...I swear I saw a light around her...."

    "You're not crazy...And now I know I am not either..."

    INGO I have been to two County Fairs, a Rodeo, and a State Fair...But I have never seen anything like what I witnessed last night...

    Thanks for letting me share......




    at the ark
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    Apr 21, 2010

    First time fear...Second time warmth, I finally understood the phrase "washed in the blood"....Third time wonder....

    Description of the third time while it was fresh in my head....

    My Daughter...A Special Night...God's Love and the Love of a Community......

    Many of you have met my daughter and many of you know she's Autistic..."Different but not less" as Temple Grandin says....

    Last night I saw something take place that changed her life and mine and my wife's life forever....I am still reeling from it....And because many of you know her and us I wanted to share.....

    My wife had to go to the school on Tuesday for something or another....While she was there one of the twin daughters of a girl I went to school with approached my wife and said, "Did Eva tell you?"


    "She's on the Court for Snow Queen at the Dance Friday...."



    We asked our daughter and she shrugged her shoulders as if that's no big deal and the wife took her out to buy a new dress for the occasion....

    Friday got here and we dropped her off at the dance and the Principal gave us permission to come back for the Ceremony....(We asked Eva what she thought it was going to be like and she shrugged her shoulders and said (nearly giving me a stroke), "Like being in a wedding I suppose??"

    "Not quite.."

    And I explained it as best as I could...

    We went in for the Crowning...When her name was mentioned the whole place erupted in cheers...Deafening...Her name being chanted as USA is at a Trump rally or when Obama announced Osama Bin Laden had been killed..."EVA!!!! EVA!!!! EVA!!!!"

    The moment the King was announced, and he was the young man that had escorted my daughter, a hush fell over everyone....And then they announced her name as the Snow Queen....

    Cheers erupted...Her name being chanted...Louder, louder,...My wife is in tears...Students are in tears...Teachers are in tears...Students high fiving each other, hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces....I have to step away and as I do students are nodding their heads to me...I try to thank them for this and they cut me off..."Sir, she deserved it...She is our Queen...She shows us love, everyone of us every day..."

    I gather myself and come back in as the dance between the King and Queen takes place...There is circle of faculty and students surrounding her, not a dry eye in the place but mine..(stoic hillbilly overwhelmed, tears will come later when alone...)

    As the dance ends she spots me outside the circle of a hundred plus kids and something amazing happened...There was a light surrounding her, I looked up but it wasn't on her it was coming out of her...I know that sounds crazy but I know what I saw...She began to walk towards me and the crowd suddenly went silent and began to part to allow her through...Looking at her with love and reverence....

    For that moment the Autism was gone...Seven seconds tops but while that light was there it wasn't...Very hard to explain but as real as me sitting here...Everything was in slow motion....She put her arms around me and there was no jerking her eyes around at the sights and sounds...That look of pain she gets when the stimuli is too much...It was not there..I have seen it for 14 years and know it like the back of my hand and it was nowhere to be seen...

    In a voice so sweet she said "I love you Daddy...."

    And then pulled away and it was gone as quick as it came...The nervousness...The eyes darting from sound to light then back again...Back to normal....But I will thank God each and every night for that seven or so seconds He showed me how she will be when we get to Kingdom..."No pain on that Bright Shore" as the old song says.......

    This morning before I left for the shop (I had not mentioned the "light" to anyone...Not even my wife) my wife was sitting on the stairs as I was smoking a cigarette and said, "Can I ask you something Geary?"

    "Yes Ma'am..."

    "I don't want you to think I am crazy...."

    "I won't..."

    "When Eva was walking towards you...I swear I saw a light around her...."

    "You're not crazy...And now I know I am not either..."

    INGO I have been to two County Fairs, a Rodeo, and a State Fair...But I have never seen anything like what I witnessed last night...

    Thanks for letting me share......



    Thank you for posting that.
    Gonna copy it to some family that will really appreciate having it.


    at the ark
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    Apr 21, 2010
    Don't know if anyone is interested in such but I've been reminded lately about some of my studies and notes from the early 90's.
    As was discovered by researchers many years ago and recorded in a volume by E. R. Capt, when the specific upward angle of the ascending passage in the Great Pyramid at Giza was laid out on the map and projected from there (northwards from due east) it precisely intersects Bethlehem. As a part of the related studies Giza at the base of the fan of the Nile Delta is also the geographic center of the land masses of the present day world.

    In those studies I became aware of the figure of the kneeling prince with his hands clasped together at Giza and with Bethlehem in his bosom. And that in the history of the world from thousands of years ago that the delta had seven streams. And that those hands are clasped in prayer not just over Lotan the seven headed serpent but that perhaps, just perhaps...

    That figure carved in relief upon the face of the planet was posed in prayer over the transition from the ending of the 2nd Earth Age into the 3rd when he rules.

    Far fetched? God created this ever changing planet with its rising and falling oceans and its ice ages and its continental drift and its weathering and its pole shifts. Looks to me as though perhaps the planet was formed and set in motion for this very time.
    Well, I'm gonna go watch the address to the nation.
    G'nite yall.
    Last edited:


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    Mar 19, 2017

    First time fear...Second time warmth, I finally understood the phrase "washed in the blood"....Third time wonder....

    Description of the third time while it was fresh in my head....

    My Daughter...A Special Night...God's Love and the Love of a Community......

    Many of you have met my daughter and many of you know she's Autistic..."Different but not less" as Temple Grandin says....

    Last night I saw something take place that changed her life and mine and my wife's life forever....I am still reeling from it....And because many of you know her and us I wanted to share.....

    My wife had to go to the school on Tuesday for something or another....While she was there one of the twin daughters of a girl I went to school with approached my wife and said, "Did Eva tell you?"


    "She's on the Court for Snow Queen at the Dance Friday...."



    We asked our daughter and she shrugged her shoulders as if that's no big deal and the wife took her out to buy a new dress for the occasion....

    Friday got here and we dropped her off at the dance and the Principal gave us permission to come back for the Ceremony....(We asked Eva what she thought it was going to be like and she shrugged her shoulders and said (nearly giving me a stroke), "Like being in a wedding I suppose??"

    "Not quite.."

    And I explained it as best as I could...

    We went in for the Crowning...When her name was mentioned the whole place erupted in cheers...Deafening...Her name being chanted as USA is at a Trump rally or when Obama announced Osama Bin Laden had been killed..."EVA!!!! EVA!!!! EVA!!!!"

    The moment the King was announced, and he was the young man that had escorted my daughter, a hush fell over everyone....And then they announced her name as the Snow Queen....

    Cheers erupted...Her name being chanted...Louder, louder,...My wife is in tears...Students are in tears...Teachers are in tears...Students high fiving each other, hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces....I have to step away and as I do students are nodding their heads to me...I try to thank them for this and they cut me off..."Sir, she deserved it...She is our Queen...She shows us love, everyone of us every day..."

    I gather myself and come back in as the dance between the King and Queen takes place...There is circle of faculty and students surrounding her, not a dry eye in the place but mine..(stoic hillbilly overwhelmed, tears will come later when alone...)

    As the dance ends she spots me outside the circle of a hundred plus kids and something amazing happened...There was a light surrounding her, I looked up but it wasn't on her it was coming out of her...I know that sounds crazy but I know what I saw...She began to walk towards me and the crowd suddenly went silent and began to part to allow her through...Looking at her with love and reverence....

    For that moment the Autism was gone...Seven seconds tops but while that light was there it wasn't...Very hard to explain but as real as me sitting here...Everything was in slow motion....She put her arms around me and there was no jerking her eyes around at the sights and sounds...That look of pain she gets when the stimuli is too much...It was not there..I have seen it for 14 years and know it like the back of my hand and it was nowhere to be seen...

    In a voice so sweet she said "I love you Daddy...."

    And then pulled away and it was gone as quick as it came...The nervousness...The eyes darting from sound to light then back again...Back to normal....But I will thank God each and every night for that seven or so seconds He showed me how she will be when we get to Kingdom..."No pain on that Bright Shore" as the old song says.......

    This morning before I left for the shop (I had not mentioned the "light" to anyone...Not even my wife) my wife was sitting on the stairs as I was smoking a cigarette and said, "Can I ask you something Geary?"

    "Yes Ma'am..."

    "I don't want you to think I am crazy...."

    "I won't..."

    "When Eva was walking towards you...I swear I saw a light around her...."

    "You're not crazy...And now I know I am not either..."

    INGO I have been to two County Fairs, a Rodeo, and a State Fair...But I have never seen anything like what I witnessed last night...

    Thanks for letting me share......


    That's an incredible story! Thanks for sharing! :)


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    Mar 19, 2017
    Don't know if anyone is interested in such but I've been reminded lately about some of my studies and notes from the early 90's.
    As was discovered by researchers many years ago and recorded in a volume by E. R. Capt, when the specific upward angle of the ascending passage in the Great Pyramid at Giza was laid out on the map and projected from there (northwards from due east) it precisely intersects Bethlehem. As a part of the related studies Giza at the base of the fan of the Nile Delta is also the geographic center of the land masses of the present day world.

    In those studies I became aware of the figure of the kneeling prince with his hands clasped together at Giza and with Bethlehem in his bosom. And that in the history of the world from thousands of years ago that the delta had seven streams. And that those hands are clasped in prayer not just over Lotan the seven headed serpent but that perhaps, just perhaps...

    That figure carved in relief upon the face of the planet was posed in prayer over the transition from the ending of the 2nd Earth Age into the 3rd when he rules.

    Far fetched? God created this ever changing planet with its rising and falling oceans and its ice ages and its continental drift and its weathering and its pole shifts. Looks to me as though perhaps the planet was formed and set in motion for this very time.
    Well, I'm gonna go watch the address to the nation.
    G'nite yall.
    Very interesting!


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    Jan 19, 2009
    A long time ago something told me to move slightly to the left which I did, a second later two people in my old position met violent death. Made me a believer that there was some plan for me in the future.


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    Mar 19, 2017
    A long time ago something told me to move slightly to the left which I did, a second later two people in my old position met violent death. Made me a believer that there was some plan for me in the future.
    Wow, what a story! I'm glad you moved!


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    Oct 13, 2010
    Fort Wayne
    A long time ago something told me to move slightly to the left which I did, a second later two people in my old position met violent death. Made me a believer that there was some plan for me in the future.

    I'm pretty sure that the only admission of any INGO'er ever moving to the left, even slightly.
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