Gofundme for CM (Churchmouse)

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  • CHCRandy

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    Feb 16, 2013
    Hendricks County

    I have had a very busy week and just read this. Praying for you and the family buddy. If you need anything, just let us know. Always loved chatting with you and getting "fatherly" advice....you and I were cut from the same cloth, in a lot of ways. Stay strong, don't give up and know you are loved by many of us!


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    Oct 4, 2010
    Ah. Big change at work recently and been awhile since I have been on the forum, just catching up to this. This was a tough read.

    God bless you and yours Church Mouse.

    Reverend Dreed

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    Jan 24, 2016
    new hope
    Just now reading this I have not been here in awhile except to view the for sale items I too am fighting medical issues (metastic prostae cancer) so I cannot donate at this
    time, I have been able to continue working for the time being and have a fully paid neptune cremation paid off now so perhaps in the near future I will find the ability to donate to this worthy cause.


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    Feb 19, 2009
    So sorry to hear this. I have been away for quite some time. Tim and I had some good discussions while he was installing our heat pump. Prayers for him and his family!


    Mow Ho
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    Feb 26, 2018
    Fort Wayne
    Thanks for doing this, Chris, and thanks to everybody for the bumps so that the slow among us can participate in this worthy cause. I have just recently started to visit the Break Room, and am heartbroken to read the news about CM. God bless you, sir.


    Site Supporter
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    Nov 11, 2013
    SW side of Indy
    Just now reading this I have not been here in awhile except to view the for sale items I too am fighting medical issues (metastic prostae cancer) so I cannot donate at this
    time, I have been able to continue working for the time being and have a fully paid neptune cremation paid off now so perhaps in the near future I will find the ability to donate to this worthy cause.

    Prayers sent for you to help you with your fight.


    I still care....Really
    Rating - 100%
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    Dec 7, 2011
    Speedway area
    I want to take a moment and send out our most sincere thanks for all of the support we have gotten from our Ingo family. There are no words in my vocabulary to describe how we feel.
    The prayers and monetary support from this thread have been most humbling.

    This condition is terminal. No other way to describe it. The chemo has stopped as we have made the decision to finish this up with me being in the best spirits possible. The chemo made this impossible. So as the end results are the same we choose to spend this time together with the family and our blessed friends in as positive a manner as I can.
    The funds from this thread are being put to good use but most of it is tucked away to help CKW when I leave this mortal plain.
    It’s been a long and wonderful run. I will be 72 on 2 March and that’s a fair amount of time on this rock. We have been blessed in so many ways. Ingo has been one of these blessings.
    Thank you all.



    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    I want to take a moment and send out our most sincere thanks for all of the support we have gotten from our Ingo family. There are no words in my vocabulary to describe how we feel.
    The prayers and monetary support from this thread have been most humbling.

    This condition is terminal. No other way to describe it. The chemo has stopped as we have made the decision to finish this up with me being in the best spirits possible. The chemo made this impossible. So as the end results are the same we choose to spend this time together with the family and our blessed friends in as positive a manner as I can.
    The funds from this thread are being put to good use but most of it is tucked away to help CKW when I leave this mortal plain.
    It’s been a long and wonderful run. I will be 72 on 2 March and that’s a fair amount of time on this rock. We have been blessed in so many ways. Ingo has been one of these blessings.
    Thank you all.

    Even though we have never met in person I feel that I know you as a kindred spirit and I would be proud to call you my brother. From everything I have been able to gather about you over the years on Ingo I've gotten the impression that you have lived a life well lived in your 72 years. Anyway, I just felt compelled to reach out to you on a personal level and let you know.

    God be with You and Yours Tim.



    Rating - 100%
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    Sep 12, 2011
    Porter County
    I want to take a moment and send out our most sincere thanks for all of the support we have gotten from our Ingo family. There are no words in my vocabulary to describe how we feel.
    The prayers and monetary support from this thread have been most humbling.

    This condition is terminal. No other way to describe it. The chemo has stopped as we have made the decision to finish this up with me being in the best spirits possible. The chemo made this impossible. So as the end results are the same we choose to spend this time together with the family and our blessed friends in as positive a manner as I can.
    The funds from this thread are being put to good use but most of it is tucked away to help CKW when I leave this mortal plain.
    It’s been a long and wonderful run. I will be 72 on 2 March and that’s a fair amount of time on this rock. We have been blessed in so many ways. Ingo has been one of these blessings.
    Thank you all.

    I am so sorry to hear this. I hope your able to enjoy your final days with your family. I'm sure you'll watch over them once your gone.
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