62 Million Voiceless Americans

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  • 4sarge

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    Mar 19, 2008
    62 Million Voiceless Americans

    By Nancy Morgan

    Is it still called debate when only one side controls the conversation? That's the question the 62 million Americans who didn't vote for Obama are asking themselves.

    These millions now have absolutely no voice in the way our country is being governed. No say in the quadrupling of our debt or in the onerous taxes being piled on top of record unemployment. They have no say in the pending trillion dollar health care 'reform' or the more costly 'cap and trade' legislation steadily making its way through Congress. With Democrats firmly in control of the White House and the House of Representatives, and most likely the Senate, the left has found no need for bipartisanship. After all, 'Obama won.' Case closed. Should any pesky Republican complain, the voice goes unheard - kinda like a tree falling in a forest. Did it really fall if no one heard it? The right is reduced to pondering questions like these as the left continues implementing radical changes at breakneck speed. Change that affect every segment of our society and every single American. Changes that are being implemented without the requisite 'national conversation'.

    Why hold a conversation? The left is in control and there is no need to consult with the people they were elected to govern. The politicians and the experts know best. And should the GOP try to halt this tsunami of 'change', a quick change of the filibuster rule to 51 instead of 60 is put in place. That'll teach em.

    Under the guise of fighting the non-crisis of global warming, the EPA has declared the very air we breathe to be dangerous. Not to worry. Uncle Sam will save us. Here comes cap and trade. It will only cost $3,100 extra in energy costs per family.

    Under the guise of universal health care, our government is preparing to take over approximately 17% of our economy by nationalizing health care. Not to worry, they are consulting with the policymakers in Canada responsible for the sterling healthcare in that country. The very same government health care that forces Canadians to come to the US to get their medical needs taken care of.

    Under the guise of saving the economy, the feds have taken over banks, insurance companies and car companies, prompting even thug dictator Chavez to joke, "Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right."

    Under the guise of saving us from those nasty capitalists, Obama has appointed a new Pay Czar to make sure no-one is paid more than the politicians deem they are worth. At least those who are unfortunate to work for companies that have received bailout funds.

    And in one case, the formerly sovereign state of South Carolina has actually been forced to take bailout funds, and accept all the strings that come with it. Consent of the governed is being ignored as the Obama administration hijacks ever more power to the federal government, in direct contravention of the 10th Amendment and the Constitution.
    And 62 million Americans can do nothing except marvel at the audacity.

    The left is rejoicing at finally being able to implement utopia here on earth. A utopian vision that has consistently failed whenever it has been foisted upon a populace, either through charisma or brute force. But never mind. Obama's utopia will work, experts assure us. The experts who hold us hostage are first and foremost, political beings, having been appointed 'czars' on the basis of political connections as opposed to merit. They are thoroughly steeped in theory and liberal orthodoxy and severely lacking in real world experience.

    These unelected czars (15 at last count) now have control of our tax dollars and the regulatory bureaucracy that enables them to enforce their whims. Whims which are based more on political expediency rather than the rule of law. They will never be held accountable when their theories are tested and fail. And fail they must, as history has taught the 62 million people who didn't vote for Obama.

    As we speak, the left, with the willing compliance of an adoring media, are kowtowing to our enemies while demonizing and penalizing capitalists, the very wealth creators whose money now allows the government to implement an agenda anti ethical to the American way of life. The Obama administration, under the guise of tolerance, inclusion, multiculturalism, empathy and concern for the disenfranchised, are destroying jobs though regulation and taxation. A total of 2.19 million jobs have been lost since Obama became President. (The news that Wal-Mart will be adding 22,000 jobs this year is ignored, as they did it without unions or government help.)

    The Democrats are enacting legislation that makes it impossible for America to become energy independent, while at the same time, partnering with Arab countries to help them develop nuclear energy. Our 'leaders' are burdening America with an unsustainable level of debt while at the same time, continuing to send our tax dollars ($106 Billion) to the IMF to bail out the world. And sending $200 million more[FONT=times new roman,times] to the Pakistan to help with their refugees. The Left, with Obama as its messiah, believing that all cultures and countries should be equal, are systematically reducing America to third world status. A level playing field at last. Whew.

    [FONT=times new roman,times]Meanwhile, the 62 million people who didn't vote for Obama wait in vain for their own elected representatives to stand up and say STOP. Alas, aside from a handful of Republicans like Sarah Palin, Mark Sanford, Jim DeMint, Rick Perry and Dick Cheney, the silence from the Republicans is deafening. Sixty-two million Americans are watching America squander its greatness on the altar of catchy, unproven, politically correct notions. And this American is wondering if the destructive policies that are being foisted upon us without our consent and without debate, are being enacted through stupidity or design.[/FONT]


    Rating - 100%
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    May 13, 2009
    West side Indy
    [FONT=times new roman,times][FONT=times new roman,times] And this American is wondering if the destructive policies that are being foisted upon us without our consent and without debate, are being enacted through stupidity or design.[/FONT][/FONT]

    IMO , by design. God's design , my KJV tells me this is the way things are going to go and they WILL continue to get worse .

    Wars and rumors of wars , the economy is crap , the dollar is failing , how long before we're a cashless society ?

    How long before you can't buy , sell or trade without the mark of the beast / government ?


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    Apr 20, 2009
    I think until there is one or more secessions, conservatism is dead from a ruling party perspective. We need to circle our wagons around the heartland and ignore the coasts.


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    Jan 3, 2009
    I think until there is one or more secessions, conservatism is dead from a ruling party perspective. We need to circle our wagons around the heartland and ignore the coasts.

    I'd vote YES if it every came up... this country needs change (not that kind)


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    Feb 3, 2009
    Fort Wayne
    This is a very good article, but i have to disagree with one bit...
    And 62 million Americans can do nothing except marvel at the audacity.
    That's not exactly true. There is something that can be done.

    [FONT=arial, helvetica][SIZE=-1]WHEN in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica][SIZE=-1]

    We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these CITIZENS; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present ____ of _______ is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    We have a form for this sort of thing. Fill in blanks with the title of the latest tyrant and then list the usurpations and transgressions below...

    We need to get our government back within the bounds of the Constitution.

    But first, we need to turn off the Tee-Vee, get up off the couch, learn the history of our Nation and do something to preserve it for our children.

    Rating - 100%
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    Jan 28, 2009
    This is a very good article, but i have to disagree with one bit...
    That's not exactly true. There is something that can be done.

    We have a form for this sort of thing. Fill in blanks with the title of the latest tyrant and then list the usurpations and transgressions below...

    We need to get our government back within the bounds of the Constitution.

    But first, we need to turn off the Tee-Vee, get up off the couch, learn the history of our Nation and do something to preserve it for our children.

    I think you have been reading my mind.:patriot:


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    Oct 27, 2008
    As a student of history I always wondered what Germany was like in the 30's....


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    Jun 19, 2008
    Ugh, that piece sure plays fast and loose with the facts. This bit in particular:

    And in one case, the formerly sovereign state of South Carolina has actually been forced to take bailout funds

    The state of South Carolina has not "been forced" (ie, by an outside party like the federal government). From the freakin' article:

    The state’s top court ruled unanimously Thursday that Gov. Mark Sanford must apply for the disputed $700 million in federal stimulus money.

    The S.C. Supreme Court also took the rare step of issuing a writ of mandamus, which orders the governor to apply for the money.


    “Under the constitution and laws of this State, the General Assembly is the sole entity with the power to appropriate funds, including federal funds,” the four justices wrote. “Therefore, the General Assembly has the authority to mandate that the Governor apply for federal funds which it has appropriated.”

    In other words, the state forced itself to take the money, in accordance with its own laws. The fed did not come along and strong-arm them into it, as suggested by the text above.

    I am just as much an opponent of BO as the next guy, but we do ourselves ZERO favors when we pull crap like this.
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    Mar 17, 2009
    That about somes it up, how to go from freedom to tyranny in less than 6 months. We better be careful, it took Hitler a few years to accomplish this level of tyranny.


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    Apr 16, 2009
    Good read... Will a real conservative leader please stand up?

    Will ANY real leader please stand up!

    I'm sick and tired of the conservative/liberal labels; they carry too much baggage tied to extremists and people unwilling to compromise to effectively accomplish the 80% that we agree on and set aside the remaining issues for a later date or at least leave them to more localized governments to decided for the local people. Why does everything have to be at the national level these days?


    Rating - 0%
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    Jun 19, 2008
    I'm sick and tired of the conservative/liberal labels; they carry too much baggage tied to extremists and people unwilling to compromise to effectively accomplish the 80% that we agree on and set aside the remaining issues for a later date or at least leave them to more localized governments to decided for the local people. Why does everything have to be at the national level these days?


    Paco Bedejo

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    Mar 23, 2009
    Fort Wayne
    Will ANY real leader please stand up!

    I'm sick and tired of the conservative/liberal labels; they carry too much baggage tied to extremists and people unwilling to compromise to effectively accomplish the 80% that we agree on and set aside the remaining issues for a later date or at least leave them to more localized governments to decided for the local people. Why does everything have to be at the national level these days?


    Anyone who thinks things would be going differently under the Republicans has an empty Kool-Aid cup in their hand...:koolaid:

    American elections have been bought & paid for. It's been this way my entire life. We had a worthy candidate in Ron Paul, but We the People permitted the media to suppress him & his message. What we ended up with as the Republican Candidate, instead, was an old Vet who let his opinions flow freely with the polls & some Alaskan arm-candy with note cards.

    The financial mess we're in right now is because of the war-supporters & those who thought the Bush administration could do no wrongs (suspend Habeus Corpus? WTF?). The continuing mess for the next several years will be added to by the national healthcare & socialism supporters. When the needle trips back to Republican, I'm sure we'll have some sort of "crisis" they'll try to get us "out of" that will take even more of our money.

    These are the debt increases given to us by our presidents since I was 3 years old:

    • Reagan +20.5%
    • Bush 1 +13.1%
    • Clinton -8.8%
    • Bush 2 +18.8%
    • Obama +38.0% (projected - see links)
    National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Obama Administration - Conservapedia
    U.S. National Debt Clock

    Yes, there are differences shown from administration to administration...but do you see the general trend & the fact that it doesn't matter which party was in power? If anything, Clinton gave it the ol' college try, even though his numbers are questioned heavily by detractors.

    Real change has been offered to America, but she called it cooky & weird. Do you think we'd be on this heading if Ross Perot had been at the helm?

    Moral of the story...don't buy into the fake dichotomy. Hitler was able to create a great following and steer Germany into ruin with a single party. America apparently requires two separate parties playing good cop/bad cop... with the overall goal of making us bend to their will.

    Next time, quit with the f'n amnesia & remember that BOTH Demolicans & Republicrats !@#$ us over at every chance. Look to other options. Determine the past, present, & future character of the candidate. Just because someone WAS a war hero doesn't mean they WILL be our savior.

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